Chapter 32
The ability to lip reading (more accurately
called speech reading) is one of the most common misconceptions that hearing
people have towards the deaf community. They think that all deaf people have
the ability to read lips which isn’t the case!
It’s actually a quite difficult thing to do! Speech reading is an acquired skill. Ultimately
it involves a lot of guesswork which I found rather interesting. Only 30% of all spoken sounds are visible on
the lips. Sounds like “b” “p” and “m” are nearly impossible to distinguish by
just watching the mouth. Nonetheless, for those that can speech read there are
still barriers present that hinder communication. Speech reading also involves
the face, eyes, and eyebrows. Nonetheless, it’s a very complex skill, and I applaud
anyone who attempts it! However, as hearing people it’s important that we don’t
assume that all deaf people are speech readers. As stated in the text, some
hearing people tend to over exaggerate or over enunciate their speech when
first meeting a deaf individual. They also tend to ask the deaf individual “Can
you read my lips?” and when they respond the hearing person automatically assumes
they can speech read. There are many
other ways to communicate with deaf individuals if you are unfamiliar with ASL.
Ultimately you can use a pen and paper, or even your palm to spell words! If you
are really interested in communicating with a deaf individual you will find a
way around the language barrier! Not only is this the case for ASL and English
but for many other languages as well!
Chapter 33
In the past, speech pathologists,
doctors, and audiologists have had a bad reputation in the deaf community. When
a child is first born, doctors and audiologists are usually the first ones to
deliver the news to the parents that their child is deaf. Audiologists then
make recommendations to the parents. Their words are usually carrying weight,
and come across lacking sympathy. They also tend to carry negative associations
rather than positive ones. If I was in a
situation where I was dealing with a speech audiologist like the one above, I
would dislike them as well! Therefore, I don’t blame the deaf community for
their beliefs towards these types of people.
Speech pathologists take up where
the doctors and audiologists leave off. The have the task of modeling the child’s
language. They teach them how to form
sounds correctly, differentiate their vowels, and control their breathing and
voice, and much more. Nonetheless, speech
training is very grueling and tiring work. For many children who participate in
speech training it can become very frustrating.
However, speech pathologists also looked down upon by some deaf individuals.
It’s important to note that they don’t oppose speech training, but oppose some
of their beliefs and strategies. One
thing I found completely shocking is that some speech pathologists have the
view that deaf children broken and need to be “fixed.” This is appalling to me!
Deaf children are no different than any other children. Everyone has strengths and
weaknesses. It just so happens that deaf children lack the ability to hear. Nonetheless, they can do anything that a hearing
child can do. However, not all medical professionals act in this way. Nonetheless,
it’s important that we move forward as a community and look towards the future!
Chapter 34
Among the deaf community lies the
debate of oral speech versus signing.
Some oralists tend to believe that career opportunities for speaking
deaf versus non-speaking deaf are better. This remains a questionable topic
today. However, I personally feel as if
a workplace shouldn't discriminate on any of these factors. If the individual is
capable of completing the task at hand, it shouldn't matter whether or not the individual
can speak or not. As I said before, if communication is really necessary there
are ways around the language barrier! People do it every day.
Before reading this chapter, I never
knew that deaf individuals could actually verbalize. My deaf cousin mainly
speech reads and signs. Nonetheless, if deaf individuals are comfortable with
verbalizing I see no problem with it at all! It’s important to note, that deaf individuals
can’t hear themselves speak therefore they may speak rather loudly during
inopportune times. But who are we to
tell them to not verbalize? Everyone has the right to free speech!
Chapter 35
As stated in the text, deaf individuals
have a wide range of speech skills. It’s important that we, the hearing
community, eliminate stereotypes. Some
deaf individuals have good speech skills, and other prefer to not use their
voice at all. This is a very controversial topic within the deaf community. As stated by the author: “If we don’t use our
voices, do we give hearing people the wrong impression? If we do use our
voices, are we opposing other deaf people?” As a hearing individual we should respect
a deaf person choice on rather or not to voice. Ultimately, it’s a personal decision
made by the deaf individual.
One think I found interesting in
this chapter was when the text stated that some hearing persons don’t use their
voices in the company of deaf friends, relatives, or clients. I thought that
was really special. It also shows a sign of respect to the deaf individuals
around you! After reading this chapter, I've realized that there is more to
speech than just the ability to communicate.
There are multiple ways to communicate whether that’s with ASL or another
way. I think the author says it well when he says, “the spirit of communication
is far more important than the dogma of mode.” J
Chapter 36
All deaf individuals have the
ability to speak. However, it’s their
personal decision on whether or not to do so. In the past, deaf individuals
that “could not talk like a normal person” (as stated in the text) were stereotyped
as deaf-mutes or deaf-and-dumb. I find both of these stereotypes very offensive
towards the deaf community. A deaf individual that has chosen not to voice is
no less superior!
Some people in the community seem
to think that signing interferes with speech development. This isn’t true. It
is a proven fact that deaf children whose first language is ASL tend to develop
better speech than those who were given intensive oral training. Having a solid
foundation in a visual language makes it easier to learn another language. For
example, let’s say there is a child that recently moved from Mexico to the
United States. If the child has previous background knowledge about the content
being taught in English they will become more successful in learning the
English Language. This goes for ASL as well.
Nonetheless, language is transferable.
It’s important to remain respectful
of the choices that deaf people make regarding speech. If they feel comfortable
voicing we should welcome them to use their voice whenever. However, if they
don’t feel comfortable we should be understanding and not push them into
something they don’t want to do. Nonetheless, deaf people who choose not to use
their voice live very happy and productive lives without it! I’ve come to realize
speech is not necessary to survive; it’s just a tool we've become reliant upon.
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